
Resilience, Curiosity, And Passionate Growth With Jason Weiss

Welcome to a new episode of Fireside Chats, where we delve into the minds of industry leaders and innovators. Available now on YouTube and Spotify.

For most entrepreneurs, maintaining a consistent level of motivation and drive is a significant challenge. The journey is often longer and more complex than anticipated, filled with unexpected setbacks and obstacles. As a result, many professionals start with a burst of energy but find it difficult to sustain this momentum over time.

Joining us in this episode is Jason Weiss, COO and Deal Flow Manager at Axis Innovation, who shares his unique insights on the intersection of entrepreneurship, innovation, and personal growth.

In our discussion, we explore a range of topics, including the following:

  • How genuine belief and passion are essential for business success
  • The importance of entrepreneurial thinking in every professional journey
  • The role of curiosity in unlocking new ideas and opportunities
  • Why resilience and proactive strategies are powerful drivers for growth
  • How to leverage real-world experience and mentorship for career advancement

Dive into the full episode for a wealth of knowledge and practical advice from Jason Weiss and forge your own path to success. This is a discussion you don’t want to miss!

Jason Weiss: A Journey Through Technology and Entrepreneurship

Jason Weiss’s career is a fascinating blend of expertise and passion, spanning over 15 years in diverse fields like consulting, investment banking, partnerships, and tech startups. His journey is a vivid example of how varied experiences can shape a unique and successful career path.

Starting in the structured world of investment banking, Jason developed a keen sense for business strategy and financial insights. This experience laid a solid foundation for his later ventures into the dynamic and ever-evolving tech startup scene. In these settings, Jason’s adaptability and business acumen came to the forefront, allowing him to thrive and drive growth in these innovative environments.

What truly sets Jason apart is his deep-rooted passion for technology and entrepreneurship. This isn’t just a career for him but a life’s calling. He sees technology as a transformative force, not just in business but in shaping the future. More importantly, his enthusiasm for entrepreneurship goes beyond personal success. It’s about inspiring and mentoring the next generation, sharing his wealth of knowledge to help others ignite their entrepreneurial journeys.

Key Takeaways: Core Strategies for Business Growth

1. Entrepreneurial Thinking Beyond Direct Entrepreneurship

Weiss brings a refreshing perspective to the concept of entrepreneurial thinking, extending its relevance far beyond the traditional confines of entrepreneurship. Echoing our interview with Edd Young, Jason advocates for a mindset shift, emphasizing that entrepreneurial thinking is a valuable asset in any career path, not just for those starting their own businesses.

His viewpoint is encapsulated in this quote:

“I’ve also had a non-profit where I’ve helped teach and work with thousands of students to understand entrepreneurship, how you can be an entrepreneur directly, but you can also have entrepreneurial thinking, which I think is so important, because everyone can use entrepreneurial thinking even if you’re going to be in a standard job. How people can adapt that kind of thinking when they go to university, when they go to their careers, and whatever they do in life.”

Jason invites us to redefine what it means to think like an entrepreneur by challenging the conventional notion that entrepreneurial skills are only pertinent to business founders. He suggests that qualities often associated with entrepreneurs – such as innovation, risk-taking, adaptability, and proactive problem-solving – are beneficial in a wide range of professional contexts.

By adopting an entrepreneurial mindset, individuals in standard jobs can bring a level of dynamism and creativity to their roles, leading to significant advancements in their careers. This approach encourages thinking outside the box, taking ownership of projects, and viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation.

2. Curiosity as a Driver of Success

Jason Weiss highlights curiosity as a key driver of success, underlining its role as more than just a desire to learn but a strategic tool for discovering and seizing opportunities.

In our discussion, he sums up this idea clearly:

“I think I’ve always been, first of all, very curious and interested in the world around me. As a kid, I always wanted to know why. I wanted to learn different kinds of things, and I think that curiosity is one of the most important traits. Albert Einstein has a great quote about curiosity, and when you’re curious, you put yourself in situations where you can be lucky.”

Curiosity propels individuals to explore beyond their comfort zones, leading to innovative ideas and unexpected successes. It’s about actively seeking new experiences, asking insightful questions, and not shying away from the unfamiliar. This mindset can transform potential challenges into valuable learning experiences and open doors to unforeseen possibilities.

In a rapidly evolving professional landscape, curiosity becomes an essential skill for staying relevant and competitive. It promotes continuous learning and adaptation, which are crucial in an era where change is the only constant.

Jason’s focus on curiosity serves as a powerful reminder that the most successful individuals are often those who remain inquisitive and open to new ideas, constantly pushing the boundaries of their knowledge and experience.

3. The ‘Just Do’ Mindset

At the heart of every successful venture lies the courage to take action, even when faced with uncertainty. Jason Weiss emphasizes a pragmatic approach in business and sales, where action outweighs extensive planning as a key driver for success.

Jason articulates this philosophy with clear, straightforward advice:

“Having that mindset of saying, ‘Okay, just do,’ because we always will have something in our head that says, oh, maybe I’m not ready. Maybe there’s imposter syndrome. Maybe there’s something that I’m not ready for yet… This is not just if you want to be an entrepreneur and start your own business. Everything I’m talking about, in my opinion, it’s just success in life,”

In the business world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of over-planning and under-doing. While strategizing is essential, it can sometimes lead to a state of paralysis by analysis, where the fear of imperfection or failure prevents progress. Jason’s ‘Just Do’ mindset is a call to action, urging us to break free from this cycle and embrace the imperfect nature of business, recognizing that real-world experience is often the best teacher.

This approach doesn’t diminish the importance of planning but rather puts it into perspective. It’s essential to find a balance between being prepared and having the willingness to take action. The ‘Just Do’ mindset encourages entrepreneurs and business professionals to put their ideas into practice, learn from real-world feedback, and adapt quickly. It comes down to creating a dynamic, responsive approach to business challenges, where learning and adapting are integral to the process of doing.

4. Resilience and Proactivity in Facing Business Challenges

In the dynamic landscape of business, resilience and, proactivity stand out as essential qualities for success, as highlighted by Jason. He succinctly captures this sentiment, underscoring the inevitability of obstacles in any business journey and the importance of being prepared to tackle them head-on:

“…and even though you’re going to have ups and downs, I’ve had many ups and downs, I think everyone has when you’re in business. And I would also say it’s not just entrepreneurs. I had a talk with a good friend of mine who unfortunately just got laid off from his startup, and he got laid off a year ago from another startup. There are ups and downs. Even if you’re in the corporate world, even if you’re in the startup world, it’s just part of business. But, I think in the entrepreneurial world, you’re ready for it a bit more.”

Resilience in business is about more than just enduring tough times; it’s about adapting and emerging stronger from these challenges. It involves a mindset that views difficulties not as insurmountable barriers but as opportunities to learn, grow, and innovate. This attitude enables business leaders and entrepreneurs to navigate through uncertainties and setbacks with a positive outlook and a focus on long-term goals.

Proactivity, on the other hand, is about taking initiative and anticipating future challenges rather than merely reacting to them. It involves strategic planning, continuous learning, and staying ahead of industry trends. By being proactive, businesses can create robust strategies to mitigate risks and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Together, resilience and proactivity form a powerful duo that equips business professionals to not only survive but also thrive in the face of adversity.

5. Learning from Real-World Experience and Mentorship

Weiss highlights the invaluable role of real-world experience and mentorship in professional growth. He advocates for learning from those who have navigated the path you aspire to follow:

“I think having a mentor, or having experience with someone who’s done exactly what you want to do is the best thing you can have. If you want to build an e-commerce business, you should find a mentor, or listen to people who have done exactly what you want to do, not taught it in an academic setting, that might be okay. But, I think the first thing is to find people who have actually done what you want to do.”

Real-world experience offers a depth of understanding that theoretical knowledge alone cannot provide. It’s about being in the trenches, facing challenges head-on, and acquiring skills that are only honed through direct involvement. This hands-on approach fosters a practical understanding of business intricacies and nuances that are often overlooked in conventional learning environments.

Mentorship, as Jason suggests, is a crucial complement to this experience. Seeking guidance from seasoned professionals provides insights that are rooted in actual practice and success. Mentors can offer personalized advice, share their journey’s lessons, and help navigate the complexities of professional landscapes. They serve as a bridge between theoretical knowledge and real-world application, offering a blend of wisdom, experience, and practical guidance.

Fundamentally, this combination of learning from real-world experience and mentorship creates a powerful toolkit for anyone looking to excel in their field. Both are crucial elements in not just achieving success but also in shaping a well-rounded, insightful professional journey.

6. Building Sustainable Business Relationships

Throughout our discussion, Jason sheds light on the importance of cultivating genuine, value-driven human connections and turning them into sustainable business relationships. He encapsulates this approach with a simple yet profound quote:

“I think when you start from the point, it’s how can I provide value, and build that value over years, that’s really core to success… You want to have a real relationship with them… to me, it’s just about connecting with people on a friendly level… because relationships are not about just what can I get from that other person? Ultimately, it should be a two-way road. You can help each other. But how you get to that point is to start by saying, ‘Okay, what can I give?’ And even if it’s just a hi or happy birthday, that’s a very nice thing.”

In an era where transactions often overshadow interactions, Jason’s approach is a refreshing reminder of the power of authentic relationships. Building sustainable business connections goes beyond mere networking or exchanging business cards. It’s about establishing a foundation of trust and mutual respect, where interactions are not always driven by immediate needs or gains.

Jason’s emphasis on friendly, no-strings-attached interactions underscores that the most enduring business relationships often start with simple, sincere gestures. This mindset encourages professionals to engage with others not just as business prospects but as individuals. It all comes down to showing genuine interest, understanding their perspectives, and finding common ground. Such relationships are nurtured over time and often lead to collaborations that are both fruitful and fulfilling.

7. Navigating Cross-Cultural Business Environments

In today’s globalized business world, navigating cross-cultural environments is a crucial skill, a point that Weiss repeatedly highlights with his practical approach. When talking about this concept, he noted the following:

“I would say the first thing that I learned from Ed Frank is he would always talk about aligning expectations. And if you are cross-cultural, or if you are an investor in a startup or a corporation, you want to align expectations. The first thing that I’ve always tried to do, as an advisor to the startups… is you want to understand what are their goals and what are their expectations?… aligning expectations, that’s a practical, practical expectation.”

Navigating cross-cultural business environments requires more than just awareness of different customs and practices. It involves a deep understanding of how cultural nuances influence business interactions, decision-making, and expectations. Jason’s focus on aligning expectations is particularly relevant here. It suggests that fruitful cross-cultural business dealings hinge on clear communication and mutual understanding of each party’s goals, processes, and outcomes.

This approach calls for a proactive effort to bridge cultural gaps. It involves actively seeking to understand the other party’s perspective, adapting communication styles to suit different cultural contexts, and setting clear, mutually agreeable goals. By aligning expectations from the outset, businesses can avoid misunderstandings and build stronger, more effective international relationships.

Moreover, it’s essential to move beyond theoretical knowledge of cultural differences and apply this understanding in real-world business scenarios. Such a practical approach ensures that cross-cultural engagements are not only respectful and sensitive to differences but also effective and goal-oriented, leading to successful and sustainable international business relationships.

8. The Importance of Belief and Passion in Your Work

Belief and passion in what you’re offering go beyond having mere confidence in a product or service; it’s about an intrinsic conviction that your work is valuable and indispensable. Jason highlighted this fundamental truth during our conversation, asserting:

“You want to be able to talk to the other person, whether it’s a potential partner, investor, or client, with a confidence that you feel they will be worse off if you don’t present to them… you have to really believe in what you do, have passion for it, and I think that is what I’ve seen also successful people have. They’re willing to go out there and say, ‘You need to try my product. You need to try my service,’ not in those words, but you have that feeling, and people will understand that — I think — when it comes genuinely.”

Belief and passion are far from being mere business assets. They’re the essence of a successful venture, deeply ingrained in its core. When you genuinely believe in your offering, it resonates with everyone around you – from partners to clients. This alignment between personal values and professional endeavors not only fosters trust and engagement but also becomes a driving force in overcoming challenges.

In a nutshell, Jason’s perspective demonstrates that success is deeply rooted in authenticity and enthusiasm. That’s a vital hint that true impact in any field comes from a genuine passion for what you do.

Wrapping Up: Navigating the Path to Passionate Success

Our conversation with Jason Weiss focused on his experiences and wisdom in the realms of entrepreneurship, business development, and innovation. From the importance of belief and passion in one’s work to the necessity of resilience and proactivity in the face of challenges, Weiss’s insights provide a roadmap for success in today’s dynamic business landscape.

To conclude, this interview serves as a blueprint for anyone looking to make a significant impact on their professional journey. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned business professional, or someone with a keen interest in the startup world, Jason’s advice offers a clear vision of how to navigate the complexities of modern business with confidence, creativity, and a growth-oriented mindset.

As we move forward, let’s carry these lessons with us, applying them to our own ventures and careers, and watch as they open doors to new possibilities and pathways to success.

Thanks for joining us on this enlightening installment of Fireside Chats. Stay tuned for our next discussion where we host another visionary leader to explore the cutting-edge trends shaping the future of business.

Vito Vishnepolsky
Vito Vishnepolsky
CEO and Founder at Martal Group