
When Should Your B2B Tech Company Outsource Sales?

As the landscape around tech companies continues to shift rapidly, the demand for sustainable solutions to consistently attract high volumes of sales is always on the rise.

The obvious solution here is to hire a solid team of qualified sales representatives. But while it may be easy to come up with the idea, going from having no salespeople to finding the perfect team — in a matter of months — is often pie in the sky. 

Things may get even more difficult if your tech company is operating on a tight budget where a few bad hires could put an end to the company’s existence.

A better way to go about this is to capitalize on outsourced sales, which is the smart option nearly 25% of businesses of all sizes are choosing to take.

Here are two reasons why you might want to consider outsourced sales:

If You’re Based Outside the United States

We’ve had long years of experience helping foreign businesses expand into U.S markets. And during that time, we came to understand the biggest obstacles these companies face throughout the process. 

For instance:

Foreign regulations, language barriers, cultural variation, and time zone differences are just a few of the challenges that might put an end to your progress.

As if that’s not enough…

Hiring remotely in the U.S. adds a whole lot more complexity to your life. Which makes it quite hard to manage expectations, increase productivity, and maintain quality.

That’s when using a full-service outsourced sales partner might become the only viable option for your company to a profitable, hassle-free expansion.

Just keep in mind that when contracting a third party, it’s important to ensure your expectations align with the sales team’s capabilities. By partnering with a top-rated sales outsourcing company, you can rest assured that your pipeline is being filled and managed by top-performing professionals. 

If You’re Still in the Startup or Scaling Phase

There are going to be a lot of duties and processes to handle in the early stages of launching your business. And while it might be tempting to do everything on your own, that may not be the best route to take if you want to guarantee your success.

So you decide to hire a qualified sales team to cover your top priorities and help your organization gain traction.

But that raises another problem…

With every new challenge your tech company has to take, there’s a learning curve to go through and a lot of time to spend on testing, learning, and optimization. If you decide to hire instead of outsourcing, the whole thing may slow down your overall progress and exhaust your budget quickly.

Outsourcing sales has a clear set of advantages, not only in terms of execution but also efficiency. It will put your business forward and make it ten times worth the initial investment. 

For example:

On average, organizations spend $180,000 on a vice president of sales, more than $100,000 on tools, and at least $100,000 on an office each year. There’s also an additional hiring and training budget, development expenses, customer churn, and other costs that no business is immune to.

All of which are extra costs you can easily avoid with outsourced sales.


Outsourced sales has become the go-to-market strategy for many top brands around the world. Simply due to the way it helps companies cut costs while it mitigates any risks associated with recruiting and expansion.

Looking for a quick solution to increase conversions and accelerate sales?

Check out our services page to find out more about how we can help. Don’t hesitate to contact us by scheduling a chat with Martal Group’s sales team — we’ll be happy to discuss your project needs.

Read more: How Top Sales Representatives Generate Outbound Leads

Vito Vishnepolsky
Vito Vishnepolsky
CEO and Founder at Martal Group