
How to Hire a Demand Generation Agency [+6 Top Providers]

Is it challenging to attract potential clients and grow your business? Consider hiring a demand generation agency, as they could be the game-changing solution you’re seeking to promote your offerings and expand your customer base.

In this article, we’ll explore the role of demand generation agencies and how they can revolutionize your business by keeping your sales funnel brimming with qualified leads.

We’ll also guide you through choosing a dependable demand generation partner who aligns perfectly with your business goals.

Ready to boost your marketing efforts and attract the right audience? Let’s get started!

What is Demand Generation? 

Demand generation isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a powerful strategy designed to create awareness and interest in your products or services.

Demand generation involves building and nurturing long-term customer relationships by guiding them from initial awareness to becoming loyal advocates. It encompasses a diverse range of marketing tactics, segmented into inbound and outbound strategies, including:

Inbound Strategies:

  • Content Marketing: Create valuable content like blog posts, ebooks, and videos to attract and engage your audience.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Engage with audiences through regular posts and interactive content on social platforms.
  • Email Marketing: Use newsletters and automated campaigns to nurture leads and maintain customer relationships.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimize your website and content to rank higher in search engine results.
  • Webinars: Host educational and product-focused webinars to engage and inform your audience.

Outbound Strategies:

  • Cold Email Outreach: Educate prospects about your solutions through personalized emails.
  • LinkedIn Networking: Engage with potential clients through direct messaging, InMail, and LinkedIn groups to build professional relationships.
  • Cold Calling: Contact key decision-makers via phone to better understand their unique pain points and inform them about potential solutions. 
  • Event Marketing: Participate in or host events like trade shows and conferences to connect with potential clients.
  • Targeted Advertising: Utilize PPC, display ads, social media ads, and retargeting to reach specific audiences.

Central to demand generation is delivering valuable content that educates and engages potential customers at each stage of their buyer journey. Unlike traditional marketing focused on immediate sales, demand generation creates sustainable pipelines of high-quality leads through consistent interactions and demonstrating the value of offerings. Data-driven decision making also plays a crucial role by using analytics to refine strategies and optimize marketing efforts.

Ultimately, demand generation aims to establish a robust foundation for long-term growth by attracting and nurturing potential customers, guiding them towards making informed purchase decisions, and cultivating loyalty. It’s a holistic strategy that ensures the right message reaches the right audience at the right time, maximizing the impact of marketing activities and driving business success.

Top 6 B2B Demand Generation Agencies in 2024 

Finding the right demand generation agency can be pivotal for your B2B business. The right agency helps create and execute strategies that attract, engage, and convert potential clients into loyal customers. Here’s a look at some of the top B2B demand generation agencies that can take your business to the next level:

1. Martal Group

As the #1 lead generation and sales agency, Martal Group has helped over 2,000 B2B brands scale revenue growth through comprehensive demand generation services. The Martal team focuses on lead generation, appointment setting, and sales outsourcing, ensuring a steady flow of qualified leads.

Key Services:

  • Outbound Email Campaigns: Targeted email campaigns that are custom designed to reach potential clients, drive engagement, and generate leads.
  • LinkedIn Networking: Direct messaging campaigns launched to build valuable professional relationships.
  • Cold Calling: Outreach via phone to engaged prospects and introduce your product or service, creating immediate connections with potential customers.
  • Guest Post Services: Opportunities secured on reputable websites to enhance your brand’s visibility and authority in the industry.
  • LinkedIn Sponsored Messaging: Ads launched on LinkedIn to deliver personalized messages directly to the inboxes of your target audience, increasing engagement and conversion rates.
  • Account-Based Marketing: Personalized campaigns targeting specific high-value accounts to maximize engagement and conversions.
  • Multichannel Campaigns: Implement integrated marketing campaigns across various platforms to ensure consistent messaging and reach a broader audience.

Who Does It Benefit:

  • Growing B2B companies – Martal Group’s services are particularly beneficial for growing B2B companies that need to scale their lead generation efforts without expanding their internal sales teams.
  • Tech startups – Ideal for tech startups looking to establish a robust pipeline of qualified leads and accelerate their growth in competitive markets.
  • Companies expanding into new markets – Beneficial for companies venturing into new markets or launching new products/services, helping them build initial market traction and generate qualified leads efficiently.

Advantages of Partnering with Martal Group:

  • Streamlined lead generation – Access a consistent flow of qualified leads.
  • Specialized expertise – Brings specialized expertise in B2B demand generation, leveraging industry best practices and proven methodologies.
  • Customized approach – Tailors strategies based on thorough market and customer research.
  • Scalable solutions – Offers scalable solutions that adapt to the evolving needs of businesses, whether scaling up operations or entering new markets.
  • Cost efficiency – Outsourcing demand generation services can often be more cost-effective than hiring and training internal resources.
  • Focused results – Focuses on generating qualified leads and driving sales growth, ensuring measurable outcomes aligned with business goals.

Martal Group’s strategic approach to demand generation is designed to support B2B companies in achieving sustainable growth through targeted lead generation and optimized sales processes. Their tailored services are ideal for businesses looking to streamline their lead generation processes and enhance sales efficiency through strategic outsourcing.

2. DemandGen

DemandGen specializes in aligning marketing and sales to drive revenue growth through customized demand generation programs, including lead management and content strategy.

Key Services:

  • Lead Management
  • Content Strategy
  • Marketing Technology Optimization
  • Data Management and Analytics
  • Campaign Execution


  • Strategic alignment – Aligns marketing strategies with sales goals for seamless revenue generation.
  • End-to-end solutions – Offers complete lead management, content strategy, and marketing technology optimization.
  • Data management – Leverages advanced analytics to inform decision-making based on data-driven insights.

Suits B2B companies seeking strategic alignment between marketing and sales efforts to drive revenue growth through comprehensive demand generation programs.

3. Transmission Agency

Transmission Agency offers comprehensive demand generation services, specializing in ABM campaigns for engagement and conversions.

Key Services:

  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM)
  • Data-Driven Insights
  • Content Creation
  • Lead Nurturing


  • Focused engagement – Specializes in targeted ABM strategies for personalized customer interactions.
  • Integrated campaigns – Utilizes data-driven insights for effective multi-channel campaign management.
  • Content excellence – Creates compelling content to enhance customer engagement.

Suitable for B2B companies prioritizing account-based marketing (ABM) to drive engagement and conversions across diverse industries.

4. Inbox Insight

Inbox Insight is known for its data-driven demand generation services. They use content syndication, email marketing, and data analytics to engage and convert potential leads.

Key Services:

  • Content Syndication
  • Email Marketing
  • Data Analytics
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Multi-Channel Campaigns


  • Data-driven strategies – Utilizes advanced analytics for precise audience targeting and campaign optimization.
  • Content syndication – Distributes curated content across relevant platforms to reach niche audiences.
  • Email marketing – Implements personalized email campaigns to nurture leads and facilitate conversions.
  • Lead nurturing –  Uses automated workflows to build relationships with leads over time.

Suited for B2B companies looking to leverage data-driven insights for targeted demand generation campaigns. They specialize in content syndication and email marketing to engage and convert potential leads.

5. Gripped

Gripped is a digital demand generation agency specializing in B2B tech growth through inbound and content marketing.

Key Services:

  • Inbound Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Sales Enablement
  • SEO and PPC
  • Data-Driven Campaigns


  • Inbound marketing: Attracts prospects through informative and engaging content tailored to customer needs.
  • Sales enablement: Equips sales teams with tools and resources to improve conversion rates.
  • SEO and PPC: Enhances online visibility through effective search engine optimization and pay-per-click advertising.
  • Data-driven campaigns: Utilizes data analytics to optimize campaign performance and drive ROI.

Gripped specializes in content marketing, inbound marketing, and sales enablement, making them ideal for B2B tech companies seeking to accelerate growth through demand generation strategies.

6. Heinz Marketing

Heinz Marketing is a B2B marketing agency that drives revenue growth through demand generation and pipeline management, specializing in ABM, strategy, and sales enablement with a focus on ROI.

Key Services:

  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM)
  • Demand Generation Strategy
  • Sales Enablement
  • Lead Nurturing
  • Marketing Analytics


  • Account-Based Marketing (ABM) – Tailors marketing efforts to engage key accounts and drive personalized interactions.
  • Sales enablement – Equips sales teams with tools and insights to enhance productivity and efficiency.
  • Content marketing – Creates compelling content assets to support lead generation and customer engagement.
  • Marketing automation – Streamlines marketing processes and enhances campaign scalability.

ideal for B2B companies seeking specialized expertise in demand generation and ABM. They offer services designed to align marketing efforts with strategic sales goals.

Whether you’re looking to improve your content marketing, optimize your lead management, or implement advanced marketing technologies, partnering with a reliable demand generation agency can significantly enhance your B2B marketing efforts. These agencies bring a wealth of expertise and proven strategies to the table, helping you attract and convert high-quality leads. 

Differentiating Demand Generation from Account-Based Marketing (ABM) 

Demand generation and account-based marketing (ABM) aim to boost growth and engagement but use distinct strategies tailored for different stages of marketing and specific customer groups.

Demand Generation – Fueling Growth Across the Funnel

Demand generation strategies involve reaching a wide audience using methods like content marketing, SEO, social media, and paid ads.

 It includes creating and distributing educational content like blogs, whitepapers, videos, and webinars to tackle pain points and position the brand as an industry leader. 

In addition, demand generation involves nurturing leads through email campaigns, lead magnets, and personalized content. Success is measured using metrics such as website traffic, social media engagement, lead quality, and conversion rates.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) – Precision Targeting for High-Value Accounts

In contrast, ABM is a highly targeted approach that personalizes marketing efforts for individual accounts or high-value prospects, addressing the specific needs and pain points of key decision-makers.

ABM starts by identifying potential accounts aligned with the ideal customer profile or with growth potential. It then involves customizing content and tailoring messaging to address the challenges and goals of decision-makers within those accounts.

It also involves engaging through multiple channels like personalized emails, direct mail, targeted ads, and one-on-one interactions. Success is determined by looking at numbers like how many people visit your website, how much engagement your social media posts get, how good your leads are, and how many of them become customers.

Demand Generation vs. ABM: How They Differ and When to Use Each

  • Audience focus: Demand generation targets a broad audience to create brand awareness and drive interest, while ABM focuses on specific high-value accounts to accelerate sales cycles.
  • Approach: Demand generation employs both outbound and inbound marketing tactics to attract and nurture leads, whereas ABM adopts an outbound, personalized approach to engage key decision-makers directly.
  • Metrics and measurement – Demand generation focuses on lead volume and engagement across various channels, while ABM measures success based on the depth of engagement and conversion rates within targeted accounts.

Combining demand generation and ABM ensures effective lead generation, nurturing, and converting prospects into loyal customers.

What Does a Demand Generation Agency Do? 

What exactly does a demand generation agency do? 

B2B demand generation agencies are pivotal in driving business growth through active engagement in diverse marketing strategies. 

These include creating compelling content, employing SEO for visibility, leveraging LinkedIn for networking, and executing email and social media campaigns. They also utilize targeted paid advertising to reach specific audiences effectively. The goal is to attract high-quality leads and nurture them into loyal customers. 

Partnering with a demand generation agency enables you to leverage advanced technology and strategies for a streamlined, data-driven approach that converts prospects into loyal customers.

Here are some key benefits of working with a demand generation agency:

  • Better expertise and knowledge – When you partner with a demand generation agency, you gain access to expert sales and marketing teams who bring updated industry knowledge and effective strategies to accelerate your lead generation efforts.
  • Increased sales efficiency – Outsourcing sales reps frees up your internal team to focus on core tasks while providing access to advanced tools and marketing automation, enhancing overall sales efficiency. 
  • Great scalability – Outsourcing also offers scalability, allowing you to adjust sales operations as needed, which can be challenging with an in-house team. 
  • Data-driven decision-making – Data-driven decision-making is another key benefit, as top agencies use analytics to optimize marketing and sales strategies, leading to improved sales outcomes and cost efficiencies.

Our Strategic Approach to Demand Generation for B2B Companies 

At Martal Group, we have a proven approach to B2B demand generation that focuses on achieving results. Tailored to each client’s needs, our strategy has driven significant growth for many partners over the past decade. Key elements of our approach include:

  • Signal-Driven Prospecting: We leverage diverse sales and marketing strategies, utilizing buying intent data to attract and convert high-quality leads into your sales funnel, ensuring your outreach efforts are focused on prospects already showing interest in your solutions.
  • Technographic ABM Campaigns: Our team conducts thorough analyses using technographic data to create segmented campaigns, personalized to your prospects. This approach helps us effectively reach your ideal buyers and strategically displace competitors by understanding the technology stack and preferences of your target audience.
  • Lunch and Learn Meetings: Build instant rapport and make a memorable impact with decision-makers by scheduling lunch and learn meetings. We deliver lunch to your prospects just before the discovery call, making the experience engaging and convenient.

This holistic approach ensures that our clients achieve sustainable growth and maximize their ROI through strategic demand generation initiatives.

Expert Insights on The Future Role of Demand Generation Companies 

As we embrace the digital age, demand generation firms anticipate new opportunities and challenges. Sales and marketing teams, traditionally pivotal in generating interest, now have to navigate evolving technologies and changing consumer behavior.

We asked experts to hear their insights on the future of demand generation. Here’s what they had to say:

Personalization and Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Will Be Key

“Looking towards the future, the role of demand generation companies will likely continue to evolve as technology and customer behavior change. Personalization and account-based marketing are becoming increasingly important, and demand generation companies will need to adapt their strategies accordingly.” 

Krittin Kalra, Founder, WriteCream

Companies Will Lean More Towards Data-Driven Strategies 

“I foresee their role evolving by placing a greater emphasis on data-driven strategies. Data is becoming increasingly valuable, and demand generation companies are using it to create targeted and personalized marketing campaigns. 

By analyzing customer data, they gain insights into buyer behavior and preferences, resulting in higher engagement and better returns for businesses. Embracing data-driven strategies is crucial for success in the evolving B2B tech industry.” 

Matias Rodsevich, CEO, PRLab

AR and VR Will Transform Demand Generation

“AR and VR integration has the potential to revolutionize the way businesses generate leads by providing an immersive and interactive experience for prospects to connect with. This will assist demand-generating businesses in showcasing their clients’ products and services distinctively and appealingly. 

AR-powered product demos, for instance, will allow prospects to see how a product works in its environment, delivering a more intimate experience, while VR will take prospects to a virtual environment where they may experience the same product in an inventive way. It will provide useful data and insights into prospects’ interests, requirements, and preferences.”

Marc Hardgrove, CEO, TheHOTH

Privacy Laws and Ethical Marketing Will Shape Strategy Adaptations

“The role of demand generation companies will likely evolve as B2B business dynamics continue to change. They may need to adapt their strategies to accommodate the growing focus on personalized engagement, integrated omnichannel experiences, and data-driven decision-making. 

Demand generation companies may integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities, opening up new opportunities for hyper-targeted and efficient demand generation. These companies will need to stay updated with shifting privacy regulations and cultivate a strong stance towards ethical marketing practices.”

Diana Stepanova, Operations Director, Monitask

Vito Vishnepolsky
Vito Vishnepolsky
CEO and Founder at Martal Group