Online Marketing Advice for B2B Companies | Martal Group
Setting up an in-house telemarketing team can be costly, resource-intensive, and time-consuming! That’s why many businesses choose telemarketing outsourcing. To remain competitive in today’s fast-paced environment, outsourcing telemarketing is a cost-effective and efficient solution for businesses lacking the resources to establish an in-house team. The global call center outsourcing market is projected to grow by […]
According to a White Paper from NNC Services, “an outsourced lead-generation department can bring up to 43% better results than an in-house one.” Your company may choose to outsource B2B lead generation for a number of reasons that can result in a healthier ROI. Through outsourced lead generation, your sales department is able to reduce […]
Multichannel B2B marketing is a proven strategy for putting your own business on your customer’s radar. But that is not good enough. You see there is a difference between simple marketing and increasing sales. Marketing at its core only deals with making people aware of your company. Sales on the other hand are concerned with […]
There seems to be a lot of confusion in the marketing world about two vital but distinct methods of digital marketing: SEO and content marketing. It’s easy to see how someone might be confused as they often appear in articles and blogs as separate entities and many marketing professionals draw a line in the sand […]
Email outreach is the most effective channel for generating revenue, as reported by 59 percent of B2B marketers. However, as more businesses start to leverage cold emailing for growth, standing out in a crowded inbox becomes increasingly challenging. The solution? Create brilliant cold email templates that grab attention and compel prospects to respond. In this […]
The digital marketing domain has undergone tremendous transformation in the past decade. Advertisers and marketers no longer have the power to lure audiences or generate leads through their own rule book. Nowadays, your audience holds the power to decide what to buy, what to download, or where to click. Why? Because your audience has numerous […]
Crafting a stellar email campaign is a simple yet effective way of nurturing B2B leads and converting them into sales. Get it wrong, however, and that’s a lot of time, energy and potential wasted on something bound for someone’s spam folder. Email marketing is an essential tool for B2B companies. It’s important to know how […]
Email marketing is an essential strategy for expanding one’s business. Besides social media platforms, it is best to include other techniques to create brand awareness for the business. Contacting leads through email marketing is one of the quickest and most effective ways to turn them into leads. How? It is possible through direct communication with […]
If you’re aiming to expand your reach and attract more clients to your Norwegian company, a digital marketing agency might be the key to achieving that goal. The challenge? With hundreds of digital marketing agencies to choose from — each promoting itself as the ideal partner for your journey —- the sheer number of options […]