
B2B Outsourcing: What Is Outsourcing Inside Sales?

Sales impact every facet of your business. Think about it.

Your product roadmap, hiring process, and growth strategy all hinge on your sales team’s ability to meet the revenue goals. That’s a heavy burden carried by a very small portion of your staff. 

So what do you do if you’re not ready to scale your sales team but you need to scale your sales?

That’s where sales outsourcing comes in. It is the definite solution to most, if not all, of your sales problems, and we are excited to show you exactly how outsourcing your sales could help you grow your business. 

Still, we understand that hiring an agency to support your inside sales can feel like you’re rolling the dice. No worries. We’ll also show you how to confidently choose the right inside sales agency for your company. 

Without further ado, let’s dive in.

Outsourcing Inside Sales

What Is Inside Sales?

Inside sales refers to the practice of promoting offers to prospects remotely instead of having physical meetings. Many companies today have inside sales teams to talk to and engage potential clients coming from online lead sources.

The most popular ways for inside sales teams to interact with leads include email, phone calls, LinkedIn, live chat, or other social media platforms.  

However, managing and maintaining a team of inside sales professionals can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, which is why more and more B2B revenue leaders are outsourcing inside sales. 

What is Inside Sales Outsourcing?

Inside sales outsourcing involves hiring a third-party company to handle and manage your internal sales functions. This strategy allows businesses to reduce costs and focus on core activities. Outsourcing can be particularly beneficial for complex B2B sales processes with longer cycles, as it can reduce operational risks and expenses. Many companies find that supplementing their sales operations with outsourced solutions yields better results.

However, ensuring that the outsourced sales team is well-trained and understands your products is crucial. They should excel in building rapport, conducting fact-finding, and effectively positioning your solutions. 

An outsourced inside sales team typically comprises experienced sales professionals specializing in various aspects of the sales process. Here’s a breakdown of the key roles and responsibilities:

Sales Development Representatives (SDRs): These entry-level professionals focus on lead generation and qualification. They identify potential clients, contact prospects, and set appointments for the sales team. 

Account Executives (AEs) or Sales Executives (SEs): As senior professionals, AEs have the knowledge and ability to handle the entire sales cycle, from initial contact to deal closure. However, they are often supported by SDRs who nurture leads until they become sales-qualified. AEs, also known as SEs, are exceptionally skilled at building relationships with clients, understanding their needs, and presenting tailored solutions.

Sales Operations Managers: Often recognized veterans in their field, sales operations managers oversee the team’s performance, ensure targets are met, and provide strategic guidance. They also facilitate communication between the outsourced team and your in-house staff.

Technical Support Specialists: Technical support specialists pull the strings behind the current. They facilitate domain setup, monitor and optimize email deliverability, and troubleshoot any technical issues. 

7 Benefits of Hire an Inside Sales Outsourcing Company

If we have guessed correctly, you are reading this blog because you’ve noticed that a significant number of people in your network are outsourcing inside sales.

But why?

By leveraging the resources of sales outsourcing companies,  these savvy business leaders are expanding into new markets, accelerating sales, and scaling revenue growth without the hassle of hiring, training, and retaining additional employees. It’s like having your cake and eating too. 

In all reality, though, that’s just the cherry on top. Here are some other key benefits:

1. Cost Efficiency:

    Outsourcing inside sales can significantly reduce overhead expenses related to hiring, training, and maintaining an in-house sales team. Companies can allocate these savings to other critical business areas, enhancing overall financial health. Moreover, inside sales agencies focus on using trending marketing strategies and sales tactics to land more clients at a lower cost, thanks to their extensive experience and access to the latest industry tools.

    2. Access to Expertise:

    Outsourcing provides access to seasoned SDRs and SEs with specialized skills and knowledge. These experts bring industry best practices and insights that can elevate your sales strategy and execution. An inside sales agency will help you sell more and increase revenue significantly by providing a team of sales experts who can enhance your sales process in a matter of weeks (not months) and get you on the right track to making more profits.

    3. Scalability:

    Outsourced inside sales teams offer the flexibility to scale operations up or down based on business needs. This adaptability ensures that sales efforts can be intensified during peak periods without the long-term commitment of additional full-time employees. Winning further market share with an offline, outside sales strategy requires significant investment and time, but doubling your sales results online can be achieved swiftly with the right inside sales agency.

    4. Improved Lead Conversion:

    Professional outsourced sales teams often have higher lead generation and conversion success rates. Their focused approach and expertise in handling leads ensure a steady stream of qualified prospects and increased sales. By reinforcing your sales team with skilled, outsourced SDRS and SEs that can handle remote sales, you’ll double your efforts without increasing your payroll, leading to greater revenue.

    5. Advanced Analytics:

    Outsourced providers often utilize advanced sales analytics and predictive modeling to optimize sales strategies. Leveraging AI and machine learning, these tools analyze buyer intent, psychographic, and technographic data to offer deep insights into prospective accounts and buyers. This approach enables continuous improvement and more informed decision-making by identifying ideal prospects already interested in your solutions. By engaging decision-makers based on their buyer intent and leveraging intent data, your outsourced sales team can quickly connect you with leads already progressing through the buyer’s journey, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs.

    6. Shorter Sales Cycles

    Inside sales agencies can help you shorten your sales cycle by optimizing your sales plan and utilizing the best lead generation strategies, prospecting tools, and outreach channels. They will develop an ideal customer profile (ICP) to ensure your sales reps get positive responses from decision-makers quickly. The use of CRMs, automation software, and tracking tools further optimizes your sales process, leaving your sales team with more time to focus on core tasks that drive sales conversations forward.

    7. Increased Productivity:

    Outsourcing work to a reliable agency increases productivity, especially if the agency has a proven track record of success in your field. Inside sales agencies train their employees to collaborate effectively with any team, minimizing time-wasting activities and focusing on high-priority tasks in the sales process. This brings new energy to your organization without the risks associated with hiring a permanent staff.

    The 3 Types of Outsourced Inside Sales

    B2B Lead Generation:

    B2B lead generation involves identifying and cultivating potential customers for your business’s products or services. Outsourcing this process allows you to leverage specialized teams that excel in research, outreach, and data analysis to uncover high-quality leads. This process is crucial for building a robust sales pipeline. Businesses often outsource lead generation to focus their internal resources on closing deals and nurturing existing relationships while benefiting from the expertise and efficiency of dedicated lead generation specialists.

    B2B Appointment Setting:

    B2B appointment setting services help companies streamline the process of scheduling meetings between sales representatives and potential clients. Outsourced appointment setters are skilled in qualifying leads and securing commitments from prospects to meet with your sales team. Appointment setting services ensure your sales team’s time is spent on high-value activities rather than cold calling and follow-ups. Companies outsource appointment setting to enhance their sales productivity, improve conversion rates, and ensure their sales representatives are engaged with prospects genuinely interested in their offerings.

    B2B Sales Outsourcing:

    B2B sales outsourcing involves delegating the entire sales process or significant portions to an external team, from lead generation and appointment setting to deal negotiation and closure. Businesses opt for sales outsourcing to rapidly scale their sales efforts, reduce the time and cost associated with building an in-house sales team, and achieve better results through the expertise of seasoned sales experts.

    7 Essential Factors to Consider When Hiring an Inside Sales Agency

    We’ll discuss the nitty-gritty of choosing a good inside sales partner shortly. But first, you must understand the most important factors to consider when making the decision.  

    Here are some questions to ask while vetting inside sales agencies:

    1. Relevance: Has this firm worked in your industry with clients similar to you? And how did its inside sales reps perform in that case?
    2. Trust: Does the partner have any recent case studies, testimonials, and online reviews from relevant clients?
    3. Reliability: Does the company look professional based on its website, branding, and tone? 
    4. Service quality: Does the inside sales agency offer the exact services you need? Also, do their sales executives have the skills and expertise you’re looking for?  
    5. Communications: Are communications running smoothly between the two of you? And how long does it take for them to respond? 
    6. Culture: What are the company’s core values and beliefs? Do you see yourself working long-term with them?
    7. Pricing: How much does the service cost? And how does it compare to the services offered by other competitors?

    How to Find and Hire a Reliable Inside Sales Agency (In 6 Simple Steps)

    Once you have considered the factors above, it’s time for the elimination round. 

    We know this part is not easy. More often than not, you’ll love and hate aspects of each agency on your shortlist. Still, we both know you can’t wait forever. You have sales to make a company to scale.  

    So, to help you speed up the selection process, here’s a simple six-step process to streamline your hiring decision:

    Step #1 — Evaluate the Agency’s Branding

    Let’s face it: branding is becoming increasingly important in today’s business world. There are over 333 million companies worldwide, with 5.5 million new brands entering the market each year, competing for the same clients and offering similar services.

    So, it stands to reason that a sales agency worth its weight in gold will have a branding strategy that leaves a lasting impression on you. How else would you know that the agency understands the power of branding and will strive to replicate the success they have achieved while campaigning for your company? 

    To give you an example:

    Some key factors to consider when it comes to branding are:

    • A modern logo with complementary colors and typography
    • A well-designed, mobile-friendly website that loads quickly
    • An identifiable and professional voice and tone to represent the brand
    • Helpful content providing clear solutions to the reader
    • The use of high-quality images and videos
    • A strong presence across different social platforms (especially LinkedIn)

    To put it simply, it’s all about the general feeling you get whenever you interact with the inside sales company. Do you feel like you’re dealing with a professional partner that you can trust?

    If the answer is yes, let’s move to the next step!

    Step #2 — Determine the Inside Sales Agent’s Areas of Expertise

    The next most important thing to take into consideration is the inside sales firm’s area of expertise. 

    The thing is:

    Not every proficient inside sales agency is fit to work with you. The best and most successful agencies prefer to specialize only in a limited number of industries and dominate them. So, by going after experienced firms well-equipped to succeed in your industry, you’ll set yourself up for success.

    This is one of the main benefits we discussed earlier in this guide. Experienced inside sales agents will bring a lot of insight and knowledge about your industry. They’ve been doing this for decades, so they’ll already know and master all the best practices and the most effective sales tactics you can use.

    To find an inside sales partner that fits your needs, be sure to ask the following questions: 

    • What duties will the inside sales agency help me handle?
    • Which types of clients do they work with?
    • Do you have any significant achievements in my target market?
    • What sales strategies and lead gen methodologies do you use?

    Step #3 — Research the Agency’s Reputation and Reviews

    After a positive first impression of the agency and ensuring that they offer the services you need, it’s time to start looking for social proof.

    A reasonable way to evaluate the past performance of any inside sales agency is to look at customer feedback. Firms with a good reputation should have dozens of testimonials and positive comments from the clients they’ve served.

    This approach helps you avoid risking your time and money on agencies you know nothing about. It enables you to filter out wrong partners and only work with those you can rely on and trust.

    To begin with, you should visit the company’s website to look for testimonials and case studies. You must also research each firm on search engines and social media. Satisfied clients are likelier to leave positive comments promoting the business’s services on Google My Business and Facebook.

    Another way to find top-rated inside sales firms is to check out business directories such as UpCity and Clutch. You can sort through hundreds of inside sales partners based on customer feedback and choose the ones that match your needs.

    If you’re unable to find any good reviews or still have doubts, you can always get direct feedback from past customers. Reach out with a short introduction and some questions about the client’s experience working with the sales company.

    Step #4 — Consider the Agency’s Pricing

    At this point, you’re convinced that the company you chose is a good fit. You like their brand and believe they can help you close more deals and reach your sales goals.

    However, there’s still one thing to consider before you hire them — pricing.

    Pricing comes fourth on our list because you should always think about sales outsourcing in terms of ROI. Inside sales agencies must be evaluated based on the money they make you instead of how much they cost.

    So, firms offering competitive pricing aren’t always a better option, while the ones offering expensive packages may not always be overpriced.

    Many elements can affect pricing when it comes to outsourced inside sales. Factors like company size, expertise, industry, offered services, level of engagement, and promised results should all be taken into account.

    The good news is:

    Outsourcing inside sales grants you a lot of freedom when scaling your sales team up or down. You can always hire more or fewer inside sales reps, depending on your needs. 

    This allows you to keep your expenses low without having to stick to any contracts in the long term. So, even if you’re unsatisfied with the results, you can always search for an alternative.

    Step #5 — Arrange for an In-Person Meeting

    If you want to hire an inside sales agency, meeting with them face-to-face, virtually or in person is important. The best agencies will be able to show you their qualifications and how they’ll help your business. You should also talk about your specific business goals and what type of sales agent would best fit you.

    This is also the step where you can assess communication and set expectations for how things could go! For example, if you don’t feel valued as a potential client, you can assume that the outsourced sales agency’s representatives will treat your prospects the same way.

    If everything goes according to plan, you can start negotiating contract terms and the most important details of the deal. That includes the length of the contract, services covered, business objectives, pricing, and payment terms.

    Before you sign the contract…

    It’s crucial to develop specific key performance indicators (KPIs) to track and evaluate the agency’s work. This helps you monitor the outsourced team’s progress and hold them accountable.

    Step #6 — Test the Agency’s Services

    Congratulations! You’ve found a reliable partner you can trust with your inside sales. You and your team will have more time to focus on other core duties in your business while you leave the sales to the pros. 

    Now, it’s time to test the agency’s services and monitor your progress with them. You’ve already discussed your growth plans and how you wish to scale your company. Most importantly, you’ve determined the most essential KPIs to help each party properly align their expectations. 

    So at this point, it’s all about measuring your success and making the necessary changes. If you’re not meeting your goals, learn from this experience and hire a better partner.

    How to Implement Outsourced Inside Sales

    Successfully implementing an outsourced inside sales team requires careful planning and execution. By following a structured approach, you can ensure that the outsourced team aligns with your business goals and integrates seamlessly into your sales operations. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you achieve a smooth and effective implementation.

    1. Define Objectives: Clearly outline your sales goals and expectations for the outsourced team.
    2. Establish Processes: Develop detailed workflows and procedures for the outsourced team.
    3. Product Knowledge: Ensure the outsourced team is well-versed in your products or services.
    4. Regular Meetings: Schedule frequent check-ins to review progress and address any issues.
    5. Feedback Loop: Establish a process for continuous feedback and improvement to refine strategies and tactics.

    What’s Next?

    Outsourcing inside sales offers a multitude of benefits, from cost efficiency and scalability to access to advanced analytics and expertise. By partnering with a reliable inside sales agency, you can streamline your sales processes, shorten sales cycles, and significantly boost your productivity. 

    If you’re ready to explore the possibilities of outsourcing and take your sales performance to the next level, consider Martal Group as your trusted partner. Our team of seasoned professionals is dedicated to helping you achieve your sales goals and drive sustainable growth. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your business.

    Vito Vishnepolsky
    Vito Vishnepolsky
    CEO and Founder at Martal Group